Area 10’s Two-Year Plan

Every two years, we are required to complete an Area Plan, which is a requirement of the Older Americans Act. The plan is submitted to the State of Indiana Division of Aging, the state entity responsible for designating Indiana’s Area Agencies on Aging. This two-year plan format and content inclusion is dictated to us by the Division of Aging. However, we personalize to our Area in the narrative, goal performance measure targets, Goal 4, and all other documentation specific to our area.

If you have comments you would like to submit on this draft plan, please email or call 812-935-2503.

Area 10 does so much more than what the Older Americans Act reflects, so please do not confuse it as a complete representation of all that we do.

The Public Comment Period on this draft plan is March 21, 2025 to April 20, 2025.

Click here for the Draft Plan.