SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is a statewide network of trained volunteer counselors who educate and assist people and their families with Medicare.
SHIP counselors are committed volunteers who offer you free and objective assistance, in complete confidence. They are not affiliated with any insurance agent or company, and will not sell or solicit for insurance. Your SHIP counselors can:
- Answer questions about Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Managed Care Plans, Medicaid, long-term financing options and prescription coverage.
- Provide you with educational materials, a long-term care insurance self-assessment guide, and cur-rent listings of insurance companies approved to sell various policies in Indiana.
- Show you how to evaluate the various Medicare supplement and long-term care, and prescription insurance policies currently available.
- Help you understand and organize your Medicare records.
- Educate you on how Medicare claims are filed and how you can appeal Medicare decisions.
- Teach you to assess your needs so you can make informed decisions about your health insurance policies.
- Inform you of your rights as a Medicare beneficiary or health insurance policy holder.
- Refer you to appropriate agencies that can help you with other needs.
This program is sponsored by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Indiana Department of Insurance, and Area 10 is one of the sponsoring organizations.
Are you interested in becoming a SHIP volunteer counselor? Click here for more information.