Volunteer With Us!
THANK YOU for your interest in Area 10. It is easy to volunteer with us! After reviewing these opportunities, please complete your application online or print and return it to the office in person, by fax or postal mail. Volunteering is rewarding for you and essential for our vulnerable neighbors. Thanks again for considering Area 10!
Volunteer from Home – Enjoy sewing, knitting, or crocheting? Can you help us create cards, or decorate lunch bags? Or, perhaps you enjoy making phone calls? These projects can be done from home, with an occasional stop-in at Area 10, to benefit our community.
Have a special skill or talent? Have you retired, but still want to use your expertise? Are you learning a new skill that you’d like to share? Anything else not listed above? We’d love to talk about it with you!
Have a large group? Host a food drive, throw a party, contact us for event opportunities, or let us know your ideas. We’d love to hear your thoughts!